Tea cup | types of tea cups relation with human and history | Techno-ahmad

The great thing about tea is the countless varieties of flavors. With the right cup, you will appreciate all the aromas. Stokes offers a full range of mugs in all sizes, colors and models. Share this hot drink with a friend or work colleague by purchasing one of our teapots or our different infusers .

 Cup of tea secrets of your personality 

1: Like and dislike

A person's likes and dislikes prove to be very helpful in building his character, but you will not believe that at the same time, personal choice also reflects the nature of the person concerned.

2: Cup of tea

According to psychologists, even the cup of tea you use or buy has the ability to present your nature to others.

3:Display of nature
Maybe you are not sure about our words, yet it does not matter, we tell you something that will change your doubts in the belief that yes, your choice can really show your nature.
4:White cup

If you like simple and plain cups among different types of cups, it means that you like to live life without any disturbance or trouble
5:Control emotions

Before starting any work, you make a definite goal and then proceed on the same. Such people prove successful in controlling their emotions.
6: colored cup

People who like cups of different colors believe in living their life in an exciting way.
7: Positive thinking

They move with absolutely positive thinking and expect others to have the same thinking
8: Dark cup

People who like dark colored cups are open minded. These people try to finish their work on time and do not want to waste time unnecessarily.
9: Designer cup

People who like cups with different shapes and sizes lead a life of eagerness. With courage, they make every effort to achieve their definite goal. They have excellent leadership skills.
10: Cartoon Cups

People who like cups and crockery with cartoon characters are very close to their family. His love for children is amazing.
11: Flower-cup

Such people are of creative and honest personality, whom flowers and leaves affect more. They require change over time, otherwise they get bored very quickly.
12: Friends identity

They have a gathering of friends, but in reality, such people are considered to be less.
13: Work tips
Which of these unique ways described affect you and which methods you find useful for you, do tell us.
14: mystery
Soon we will bring to you some other very unique customs, traditions and mythological mysteries.

Tea relieves tiredness, waste time 

People also invite you to have tea with us tomorrow evening! Through tea, people find excuses for gossip
** Professor Aft Gul Honor. Karachi **
Tea is a beverage widely consumed all over the world today, though its appearance may be slightly different in different countries. The love, devotion and charm of tea in the dimensions of our country is seldom seen anywhere else. Here in the morning tea cups in the morning are peeled. Tea runs at the office meeting, but in the office, the tea stays constant until the last minute in the office building. Tea is often consumed in the markets, shops, hotels, orbit is served with tea cups for the guests, exhaustion of work is consumed by tea, waste time is consumed by tea. Workers, peasants, office-bearers, housewives, women of all kinds drink tea and get servers. For people, the value of tea and its value is so high that it is morning or evening at their appointed time or After that, if people do not get tea for a while, then people's moods get worse, headaches and pain may start to explode. There is always one scene at our country's railway station. Whenever a train arrives, Ricky, people from every box come down and gather around the stalls at the station below, like ants on a sack of sweets. This gym of people gathers for the demand of ungrateful tea. This item is either very thin or it is cooked on the stove for several hours and then thickened. This item is either dipped or contains a very sweet dessert. Whatever the tea, the tea's taste, aroma and its color are almost completely lost. The majority of travelers drinking this type of tea are relieved of their tea and they are reluctant to remove it from the throat. This reduces the "stroke" of tea. Many people wait for the trip to end when they arrive home to drink their favorite tea. People drink tea in cold weather because it eliminates the effects of frost and brings heat to the body. Tea is consumed with the same passion and enthusiasm, especially when it is running or it is raining, windy or stormy. Devotion to tea does not end in any way. People are also invited nowadays so something like "Have your tea with us tomorrow evening! Through tea, people find excuses for gossip. One problem with tea is that it is purchased at expensive prices from other countries. This puts a huge burden on the domestic treasury and our debt is also increasing. If we quit drinking tea, how much debt would we avoid? We told our friend Salma, who is a tea maker that Mirza Ghalib has said for you:
 قرض کی پیتے تھے’’ٹی‘‘ اور سمجھتے تھے کہ ہاں
رنگ لائے گی ہماری فاقہ مستی ایک دن 
So they stare at us in anger and say, "Are the loans just being consumed by tea, are they only importing tea? There are a lot of luxury goods coming from outside for foreign exchange, if the poor people of our country are getting tired. If you resort to a cup of tea to object, what does it mean? People are very upset and upset today, inflation has hit our nation like a monster. People are buzzing with loads of electricity. There is unemployment, poverty everywhere, so there are pressures on people. Then, there are the cruel orders of the IMF:
 During this period, the IMF struck
Living is the same thing, great thing, dear

So people are desperate and heartbroken as some people in "depression" start to eat more so that they can escape the feeling of frustration and sadness, so people seek refuge in the cup of tea and misery of depression. Anyway, this is just a cup of tea in their bus and there is nothing else for them to drink grief, which they are going to drink. Salami, now the cup of tea is not cheap, milk is expensive. , Tea leaves are getting worse day by day, the price of sugar rises a little bit every month but what to do, some support for living So tea is also a means of living and if tea is taken away then it would be a great injustice. However, now we have thought that everything is bad, so tea is a little bit less fine so that it does not cause more harm than its side effects and we do not lose its benefits. What do you think

How much health enhancer tea?
 In modern times, tea is an accessible and inexpensive drink. There are many assumptions about this. The tea we drink in Ayurveda and the Unani system has been described as harmful. But most people use tea only to erase tiredness and tiredness. The British government promoted tea in every city of India free of charge. At that time, double roti was also served with tea. Gradually, every Indian is now drinking an average of three to four cups of tea. Truth be told, tea is the favorite drink of all the poor and rich.
Tea is said to have been discovered in 2400 BC. The former was made by Shenug in an accidental incident. After a day's exhaustion, one day he was resting in his garden with a cup of hot water. At the same time, some leaves of the tree near him fell in his cup. He drank the cup slowly without noticing and Enjoyed the taste, then he felt pain relief from this drink. In this way a cup of tea came into being.
Indian legends tell that during the Buddha's seven-year practice, he felt lethargic in the fifth year, when he chewed himself by chewing a few leaves of a nearby bush, this bush was a tea tree.
The tea plant is called Camilla sinensis in scientific language. There is a process of tea production in which green and fresh calyces are converted into dry and black tea. It goes through many processes, from picking to closing in the box. In the picking phase, the upper leaves are broken at intervals of 7-8 days, from which quality tea is produced. Fresh and green leaves are now heated to fourteen hours to make the moisture free. Generally tea is of the following types - white tea (unoxygenated), green tea (unoxygenated), olog tea (partially oxidized) and black tea (fully oxidized). Herbaceous tea is usually a mixture of decoction leaves, flowers and fruits, vegetables or individual parts of plants that do not contain Camilla sinensis.
White tea is similar to green tea but its taste is mild and sweet. It should be soaked at a temperature below the boiling point of water. The amount of cocaine in white tea is 15 mg instead of 40 mg in black tea. And 20 mg in green tea. Happens till then. Studies show that white tea has more anti-cancer antioxidants than green tea. China and Japan are the two major countries producing white tea. But only in the Darjeeling region of India some quantity is produced.
Green tea is in reality the leaves of Camilla sinensis that undergo a certain process. It tastes like white tea, has low caffeine content and has high antioxidant properties. The amount of oxidation of green leaves before drying is seen. Tea contains enzymes in the veins of leaves, which get oxidized by breaking out or cutting the leaves.
Among the four types of tea, the process of olog tea is the most complex. It is a tea between green and black tea as it is partially oxidized during the process. After picking the leaves, they are usually taken in mode, and are left open in the air to gradually oxidize the essential oily substances. In this process, the leaves turn black over time and a separating aroma is produced and as a result, this tea is located in the middle of black and green tea.
Black tea is the most common of the four types of tea and is the most popular in the world. It is mainly used in making ice tea and English tea. Since there are three main steps in the process of making black tea, cutting, tearing and twisting. Hence it is also called tea. In order to remove the moisture of the leaves, hot air is poured on them till they become soft and soft. In order to take out the aromatic juices from these withered leaves, they are torn between the machine's palms and torn. They are then taken to the fermentation chamber where they change their color to copper in the presence of controlled heat and moisture. Finally: They are dried in the bhathi. Where it penetrates and is black-brown in color due to heat effect. Like other types of tea, it also contains caffeine which is a stimulant. It immediately empowers our senses. It also contains other essential wastes such as polyphenol and vitamins etc. Black tea is also called completely milk-free tea.
Aromatic tea or flower tea is green or white tea. Which is a combination of some flowers. It has a soft, interesting taste and amazing aroma. As in black tea. Like the flowers, the original green teas add bad varieties to confuse them with the preferred flavor. It accompanies many industrially made flower teas. The delicious jasmine flower tea is very famous mainly in Asia and Western countries where many people drink this type of tea.
Tea is healthy for all due to its following properties. It contains 1/3 part caffeine than coffee or cola, which reduces tiredness. Maintains the consciousness of the mind, gives stability to the level of liquids and the amount of fat and calories is zero. The amount of antioxidant present in one cup is equal to the amount of one-time vegetables. Tea is an incredible source of natural fluorides that prevent enzymes responsible for the growth of the bacterial bacteria and the lining of the teeth. It also contains abundant amounts of manganese and potassium, which respectively regulate bones for health and heart rate. Apart from this, vitamin E1, E2, E7 folic acid and calcium etc. are also found.
Consumption of tea can be beneficial for heart diseases. The paleonoids present in it protect from heart disease. Pure tea reduces blood pressure, reduces blood pressure, reduces cholesterol and maintains the body's transport system, arteries and veins. Research has found that people who consume one or more black tea cups have a 60 percent lower risk of heart attack than those who do not consume tea.
Tea is believed to be helpful in preventing cancer. The oxidation present in it helps to protect against cancer of the mouth, stomach, pancreas, lungs, Grass tube, Chest, Older and masculine glands. Green tea is helpful in preventing cancer of the Grass tube. Green and black tea prevents the growth of parasitic cancer. Green and white tea fights with major cancer and reduces the risk of stomach cancer. Hot tea reduces the risk of skin cancer. Not only this, tea also protects against cancer caused by smoking. Tea
is known to enhance immunity, some components of green tea help in killing leukemia cells. It is also considered to reduce the risk of many other diseases such as Alzheimer's, hypertension and AIDS.
Drinking tea also has health side effects. Tea bags (tea bags) also contain cancer causing substances. Some tea bags are coated with soaked paper to give a layer of epichlorohydrin, which is considered as a cancer causing substance. It is not only limited to tea, coffee bags also have this effect. Therefore, open tea leaves should be used or such tea bags should not be used. Stool
are all found fluoride in tea leaves. Adult in a single tree. The leaves have less amount of fluorides than the new leaves. Because it is made only from buds and new leaves. This amount of fluoride directly depends on the amount of fluorides in the soil. Tea plants absorb this element more than other plants.
The effects associated with caffeine are also
no less . It is a primitive medicine and it can be adversely affected by taking an overdose of tea. As the probability of increase in sleeping sickness increases. She goes . Per caffeination reduces the whole caffeine in black and green dry teas by 15 to 3 times respectively.
Black tea is primarily a source of caffeine. Although the average amount of caffeine in most teas is less than a cup of coffee. Some people are uniquely receptive to the effects of caffeine and feel an increase in anxiety, tremor, and blood pressure even in small amounts. The only way to reduce caffeine levels is to drink white tea, which is low in caffeine or buy naturally flavored black or green tea.
Tea contains oxalates which combine with calcium to form kidney stones containing oxalate. Having oxalates in tea is a problem for many people. In some receptive people, too much oxalate increases the risk of kidney stones. Those who have kidney stones in the background should take a very controlled amount of tea and reduce the food sources containing oxalates. It absorbs free calcium and other minerals in the body.
The tannin obtained from tea, which is a type of poly phenal, gives good and nutritious taste when consumed in excess. But it reduces the absorption of certain minerals such as iron. Therefore, some people develop anemia. Tea should not be taken with food to avoid this. Another method is to add a few drops of lemon to the tea before drinking. The presence of vitamin C in the lemon helps prevent the harmful effects of mineral absorption of tannin.
Drinking more tea is associated with a serious risk of cancer. A factor study found that hot tea or very hot tea compared to lukewarm tea or light hot tea increased the risk of cancer of the grass duct. goes . This risk is increased by drinking two to three minutes, or by drinking less than two minutes, as opposed to drinking at least 4 minutes after pouring the tea. goes . Defective storage and packing also make tea harmful. Fungal growth in tea leaves is produced by defective storage technology. Which cannot be separated from ordinary leaves, these fungi dissolve in water while making tea. If they are consumed, it causes many diseases and allergies.
Tea is a beverage liked by people of all ages and we can get related products anywhere. For example, delicious green tea cake, green tea ischem, ice-cold lemon tea etc. are easily available in all the shops or super markets. Along with the delicious food items made from tea,
it is helpful in our digestion by taking them after meals. Green tea leaves are helpful in cleansing the oily nature of meat and also relieves the smell of fish coming from seafood and brings with it a unique aroma. To get maximum health benefits from tea, take only good quality loose tea leaves from your nearest or online shop. Make it and enjoy it and yes even when you are going out of the house do not leave the idea of ​​enjoying tea with a bottle.
After knowing all this, you decide for yourself, eat tea but not so much that it becomes harmful. In today's age, it is very difficult to avoid tea. Sometimes the host is in a big crisis. I don't drink tea when you say that. We can easily say that tea is the same as pumpkin in the vegetables found everywhere, which the poor rich can use.


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