How to generate new traffic, leads and conversions Summary


Why reuse old content?

  • Increase reach
  • Win time
  • SEO added value
  • "10x content": a solid basis for reuse

7 ways to reuse your content

1. Write smaller articles using information from your 10x content

2. Convert your existing content into infographic

3. Write a guest contribution

4. Share your content on other platforms

5. Create a presentation

6. Share your content on your social media channels

7. Talk about the topic in a video or podcast


In this article, you will receive an effective strategy for maximizing the potential of your content: the effective reuse of content.

Struggling to increase your reach and attract new visitors to your website? There you are not alone. In fact, generating traffic and leads is the biggest challenge for professional marketers.

1 generate old reused content   

Figure 1: Biggest challenges for marketers (source)

Content marketing takes time. It's rare that you create an article that generates thousands of social shares overnight. It may take years for SEO business to finally reap its benefits.

We're always looking for ways to save time and increase our marketing ROI, right? This is where content reuse can help. Rather than creating a single post from scratch, you can reuse rich content for a variety of formats. In this article, I'll show you the benefits of reusing old content and give you seven practical tips.

Why reuse old content?

Content reuse is a phenomenon that will permanently change the way content is distributed. Almost 60% of marketers now use their content two to five times.

But what does reuse really bring and what success can you expect from it?

Increase reach

Let's think about your business goals first. Are you serious about increasing your sales or improving your website's conversion rate? Whatever goal you're working for, you need to increase your reach first.

While the users in your target group have a lot in common, they probably don't have the same learning style - more than half of people are visual learners. Reposted content can help you perfectly reach the remaining 30% of auditory learners.

Additionally, you can share your content with people you might never have met before, even if they are in your community. It's unlikely that an article you created in 2015 will reach the same Facebook audience if it's reposted today, is it?

Ben von Goins Writer generated 20,000 new subscribers by reusing content from his blog on the Medium platform. Since mid-size users haven't been in contact with the original content yet, they've been able to generate new traffic.

Win time

Did you know that 22% of bloggers and marketers can't find the time to regularly create new content?

2 generate old content to reuse   

Figure 2: CoSchedule also gathered the challenges of marketers (source)

Another benefit of reusing old content is that it saves you time, for example by investing in creating new, unique assets. Of course, in the rapidly changing world of marketing, this precious time can be used for other areas of business development.

SEO added value

Pages that rank well with Google can simultaneously gain high engagement on social media. Conversely, sharing an old article on your social networks can also help you improve your article's ranking in Google search results. But not just actions and interaction rates promote your SEO goals.

Reusing content also increases the visibility of your texts. For example, people are looking for interesting images and content that they can call source on their own website. This gives you the opportunity to generate backlinks for your website. And we all know how important backlinks are to SEO.

"10x content": a solid basis for reuse

The concept of "10x content" is simple: your original article should be 10 times better than your competition. You can find it by searching for the long tail keyword that you want to rank for. The pages that rank on the first page are the ones you need to skip.

You create 10x content by adding the following aspects to the original article:

  • Infographics, images and videos
  • Studies, surveys and statistics
  • More details in each section
  • Your own (unique) opinion

To be successful and drive the conversions you work so hard on, your original content needs to be far more comprehensive than the competition. Thus, it constitutes a perfect basis for the new publication of the content.

7 ways to reuse your content

Once you've created a solid article in 10x content format, the content repost can begin and you can generate new leads, conversions, and website traffic along the way.

1. Write smaller articles using information from your 10x content

If you've created the ultimate guide on one topic, why not reuse each section and create a smaller post on each topic? Similar to a hub-and-spoke framework, you can improve the structure of your internal links and direct the resulting traffic to the original article.

For example, articles and how-to lists are very popular no matter what industry you write in.

example :

With these 7 tips for the perfect content

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Check how well your 10x content fits your own how-to guide with a lot more information and convert those parts into new, shorter articles - so you'll get a lot more content and reach even more users.

2. Convert your existing content into infographic

Infographics are very popular and are shared 3 times more than any other type of content. Why don't you take the facts, data, and information you used in your previous articles and combine them into a new, comprehensive and informative chart?

Animal Friends, a pet insurance company from England, has gathered information on the most popular animal names in the UK. But instead of using this data in an article, it was incorporated into a great infographic:

Dogs reuse old content   

Figure 3: Animal-friendly infographic

Hint : To save on the cost of a professional graphic designer, you can use the Canva web app instead, select an infographic template, add your brand, and use the collected data to create a quality infographic.

3. Write a guest contribution

Guest articles are a fantastic way to increase traffic to your website and increase your own reach. Bamidele Onibalusi, for example, used guest blogging to increase organic traffic to her website by 342% in one year.

Instead of spending hours creating an article from scratch, you go back to your 10x content and think about how to convert it to a guest post.

For example, you could:

  • Follow tip # 1 and create a smaller post based on your 10x content information
  • To rewrite the article with the same structure but less detail
  • Convert your 10x content to infographic, add a short 250 word description and use it as a guest post

Whichever option you choose, remember: users reading your guest post likely won't know you yet. For this reason, you should give them lots of tips and really go to the trouble of creating the guest post.

4. Share your content on other platforms

Posting content on other platforms is similar to posting guest posts, but without the need to rewrite or edit the original content.

Sites such as Medium, LinkedIn Publisher, and Business2Community allow content content syndication. Such large platforms can help make your content accessible to a larger group of people.

However, reposting content on other platforms should be done with caution - duplicate content can easily appear if the same text is accessed through different URLs. Indexing web pages with duplicate content can negatively impact SERP rankings as search engine bots have to determine which of the duplicate pages is most relevant to a search query.

Before you decide to distribute your content on these websites, first check if they contain a rel = canonical tag. This small day tells Google where to find the original article.

5. Create a presentation

Another great way to repurpose old content is to turn it into a presentation. Sites like SlideShare and Slideboom allow you to upload a presentation where you can present information from your 10x content.

Similar to the other tips, this strategy saves time and can be implemented in just a few steps:

  • Turn 10x content into a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation using a new slide for each subsection.
  • Upload your finished presentation to SlideShare or a similar platform.
  • You can also go further by adding an audio track in addition to the presentation and turning your 10x content into video.

Eugene Cheng, for example, generated over 2 million views and 400 new email subscribers in a single month with his SlideShare presentation.

6. Share your content on your social media channels

Subscribers to your social networks monitor your activity closely. However, you can provide them with new, informative content in just a few steps by posting excerpts from the original article on social media.

You can for example:

  • Tweet quotes from your article
  • Post a section of your 10x content on your LinkedIn page
  • Discuss a specific topic in a Facebook live video
  • Share an infographic on Pinterest and Instagram, with the article's introduction as a caption

7. Talk about the topic in a video or podcast

In point 1, we mentioned earlier that people have different learning styles. A good way to address visual (or auditory) learners is to turn your articles into a video or podcast.

Just use the 10x content (or part of it) as a video script and upload it to YouTube. Once you have optimized the video for YouTube SEO, you can also try placing it in another search engine, also as a video.

78% of marketers say video contributes to a good ROI. According to a recent statistic, a person watches over 1.5 hours of video content online every day. The effort of converting your article to video is well worth it!

As podcasts become more popular, reusing your content as an audio track is also a good idea to reuse old content. For example, the most popular podcast portals include iTunes, SoundCloud, and Overcast, but you can also host the audio on your own website to generate additional traffic.

the podcast will reuse the old content   

Figure 4: The popularity of podcasts is increasing. (Source)


Reusing existing content will allow you to increase traffic to your original product and avoid waste. These 7 tips not only help you grow your audience, but also increase your users' interaction rate permanently.


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